Day: January 12, 2024

The greatest inventions in the history of the security industryThe greatest inventions in the history of the security industry

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The modern security industry is packed with technology and innovation from CCTV cameras that can see in the dark and automatically track intruders to alarms that trigger an emergency response from miles away and allow you to view your site from your mobile phone.

security guards birmingham

Thinks weren’t always quite like this, however, and there was a time where property protection was entirely in the hands and wits of security guards Birmingham themselves.

Of course, security guards remain on the frontlines of the security industry, but in 2024 they are supported by all sorts of weird and wonderful security technologies designed to make their lives a whole lot easier and the task of a criminal a whole lot harder.

In this article, we are going to examine just some of the most incredible inventions the security industry has witnessed to date, with a particular focus on how they have changed the ways in which the security industry operates and what they mean for you as a property owner.


Doubtless the most impressive security related invention in the past 100 years. The rise of camera technology has transformed pretty much every industry that you can possibly come up with in that time, but none more so than the security world.

From standard record only closed circuit television to the latest AI powered camera systems that facilitated real time observation and automatic tracking, millions of homes, businesses, and public spaces are now safer than they have ever been in the past.

It has also made the job of the police a whole lot easier as finding and convicting criminals is a much less challenging task if you have footage of them committing the crime.

Biometric Access Control

Access control technology in the form of keypads and swipe cards can not be considered a ‘new’ invention anymore. This technology has been around for decades, but it is the rise of biometric integration in more recent times that has really cranked up the security benefits.

Sure only giving authorised staff a code or ID card is better than nothing, but this information can be stolen or given to unauthorised individuals and does not 100% verify the identity of the entrant.

Biometrics, on the other hand, such as eye-scanners and fingerprint detectors, do, and are not a must on any major business site which takes its security seriously.

As well as physically opening doors, biometrics are now used to access terminals and computers in a similar way to the scanner on your phone.

Home Smart Systems

It has NEVER been easier to protect your home. Doorbell security cameras, DIY motion detecting alarm systems, motion detecting lights you can install on the outside of your property to illuminate intruders, the list of home smart security measures is almost endless.

With more and more such products hitting the shelves each and every year, we can’t wait to see where this industry goes next, especially with the integration and innovation of AI technology into already highly effective systems.